Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cerebral Aneurysm: The Scary Truth

It is an unfortunate truth, but everyone is rather aware of the annoying and enabling pain that lies behind the eyes and can move all around the head; headaches have been negatively affecting individuals worldwide for ages. The norm is to take an over the counter medication that generally is supposed to relieve pain and discomfort associated with headaches and to tough the rest out. But what if your normal every day or every other day daily routine of dealing with an uncomfortable headache was in fact covering up a more serious underlying disease or problem, such as a cerebral aneurysm?

A general definition of a cerebral aneurysm applies to the dilation or bulging of part of the wall of an artery within the brain, basically there is a weak area in a blood vessel that usually enlarges and can rupture. Cerebral aneurysms are more common in adults as opposed to children and a little more commonly seen in women. However, cerebral aneurysms do in fact occur in children as well. For a cerebral aneurysm that has not ruptured yet, symptoms generally depend on determining factors, such as size and speed of growth. A large aneurysm that may be growing at a measurable pace can lead to symptoms such as problems with eyes such as pain, changes in vision or even a drooping eyelid. Another symptom of a larger aneurysm may be loss of felling, numbness in the face, usually on one side. On the other hand, a cerebral aneurysm that is smaller and not producing any signs of growth or change my not produce any symptoms at all. When the aneurysm does in fact ruptures there are several symptoms that should indicate immediate medical attention is required; such as, severe and sudden vision problems, nausea or unexpected fits of vomiting, a highly severe headache, or loss of consciousness. Many of these symptoms may sound relatively similar to symptoms accompanied with a headache or migraine, if headaches aren’t too common for you and these symptoms to occur, there is more cause for alarm as opposed to the contrary.

There is treatment for aneurysms that have and have not ruptured. Both may require surgery or emergency surgery. Due to the extensiveness and severity of cerebral aneurysms, it is extremely imperative to have a confident and skilled medical professional.

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